Kadın En Tatlı Hamilelik Arkadaşını Buldu; Sevimli Hamile Bir Sokak Kedisi

Lauren Maners has fostered many animals over the years, and it has been one of her greatest joys. But, recently, as she was preparing to give birth to her daughter, Lauren decided it was time to take a little break from fostering.

“Hayvanları yetiştirme ve rehabilite etme konusunda uzun bir geçmişim vardı, ancak hamileliğimin sonuna yaklaştığımda, genellikle beslediğim / rehabilite ettiğim hayvanların genellikle hastalıklı olduğu ve çok fazla bakıma ihtiyaç duyduğu için hepsinden bir mola vermenin zamanı geldiğine karar verdim. bebek geldi,” Lauren dedi. O emindi’istediğini s – Güvercin gelene kadar.

Lauren’in evlatlıktan ara vermeye karar verdiği sabah, o ve kocası yolun kenarında yaralı bir kedi gördüler. Doğal olarak, çift kediyi kontrol etmek için kenara çekildi, o zaman Lauren kedinin sadece yaralanmadığını değil, aynı zamanda hamile olduğunu da fark etti!

“I managed to catch her by luring her up to me with our leftover food and wrapping her in my jacket, and we brought her to the vet.”
After taking the cat, they later named Dove, to the vet for treatment, the couple took her home for some much needed rest. They asked around in the community to see if anyone was looking for the cat, however, they sadly discovered she had been a stray for the majority of her life.

Lauren couldn’t help herself – she had to break her own rule and take Dove in.

The two pregnant mama’s bonded and spent most of the final weeks of their pregnancies hanging out together.
“She would follow me around everywhere I went, and loved sitting outside with me in the mornings in our fenced-in area and letting me rub her belly while we ate breakfast together,” Lauren said. Soon, it was time for Lauren’s daughter, Kylie, to be born.

Incredibly, while Lauren was in hospital delivering Kylie, Dove was at home giving birth to her own babies. “They were very possibly born at the same time,” Lauren said.

Dove gave birth to six beautiful kittens!

And, as the kitten’s grew and thrived, so did Lauren’s daughter, Kylie.
“When my daughter was 5 weeks old, she began to notice the kittens when I would carry her in there with them to help me feed them and give them some attention,” Lauren said. “The kittens were also very curious about my daughter as well.”

Dove, Lauren ve yavrularını sonsuza dek en iyi evleri bulmadan önce Lauren ve ailesiyle birkaç ay kaldı. Neyse ki, yedisi de Lauren’den uzakta değil, bu yüzden o ve Kylie onlarla bağlantıda kalabiliyorlar.

“Luckily the mother cat went to live with a friend of mine, so I am still able to get updates on her. And several of the babies went to people I know as well, so I have even been able to visit them,” Lauren said.

Lauren says she wouldn’t change sharing the final weeks of her pregnancy with Dove for the world!