Köpek eve gitmek için yaklaşık 400 kilometre yol kat etti. Bir tatil gezisi sırasında kayboldu / dünya Haberleri

On Thursday, August 26th (Coincidentally, the world celebrates this day world dog day) Owners dog Pablo, Catherine and Roger stopped in Saint-Martin-de-Belleville in the Savoy Alps. The French were just returning from Italy, where they were spending their holidays with their pets. The two-year-old burrow, not far from the wagon, did not return all that evening.

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A dog can make life not only more beautiful, but also longer

Saatlerce bekledik. Bütün geceyi orada geçirdik – boşuna – ifadesini aktardığı sahipleri bildirdik Digichat.info . Saatlerce bekledikten sonra, ilgili çift kayıp köpeği bildirmek için belediye binasına gitti. Daha sonra yakındaki gözde yaşayan akrabalarına gittiler. – ıncidentRoger ile röportajda Pablo blue France Hakkında Biri Bizi ararsa etrafta olmak istediğimizi söyledi.

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A few days later, when Catherine and Roger were slowly losing hope that their friend would return to them safe and well, they were called by an acquaintance, who took care of their Bezos home during the trip. The man sent the couple a picture of the emaciated but alive Pablo who had found his way home 380 far from Saint-Martin-de-Belleville. kilometers. – Then I got acquainted with Pablo, and I could not believe it, it was a moment of real happiness – said the owner of the dog to the media. Based on this information, Catherine and her husband immediately set off on their way back.
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Sadece üç günde yaklaşık 400 kilometre yol kat etmeyi nasıl başardığımız bilinmiyor. Daha fazla macera olması durumunda, Pablo sahiplerinden GPS sensörlü bir yaka aldı.